Saturday 31 May 2014

My First Time...

Hello Internet People!!!

Today I wanted to do a Tag. This one, as some of you may have seen in Youtube, consists in answering which have been my first time doing something or my firsts things. This way, you'll get to know me better, so... let's do it!

Monday 26 May 2014

What time is it? Summertime

Hey Internet people!! 

This week I feel like summer is really really really close, although the weather in Spain is rainy and windy (not the kind of weather I expected). Anyway, in less than 20 days I'm going to strart my summer holidays, I finished school two weeks ago and now I feel like time actually flies. 
I can't believe that in a few days I'm going to be an almost university student, I feel really old hahhahhah 
Well this summer I have some plans that I want to share with all of you...

Tuesday 6 May 2014

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

Hello everyone!
Yes, you're right, as this post's title says today I want to share some of my thoughts about music. 

This year I've really been into listening music. Okay, probably you'll think everybody listens music, but I mean that before I didn't care about what music I listened to I just turned on the radio and that was all. It's just that I have realised that some years ago i didn't even care which bands were popular, or about any music awards. Now I think I'm really into it and this summer I'm going to see one of my favourite bands live and it's my first concert and I'm really looking foward to. 

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