Monday 30 June 2014

Firenze 2014

Hello  Internet People!!

Three weeks ago I finished all my examns and two weeks ago I went to Italy with 9 of my closest friends and it was A M A Z I N G

I was pretty excited to fly with all of them to a different country and to have an awesome week with my friends. I took my last plane 9 years ago, so you can't imagine how bad I wanted to take that plane....

Sunday 8 June 2014

Healthier resolutions

Hi Internet people!!

As the title says, this post is going to be about me making healthier desitions. I've been thinking about writing it for some weeks and at last, here it is.

So this started two years ago... I changed of school and I didn't assimilate that as well as I should have. I just thought I was all horrible and i just wanted to go back on time and back to my old school with my friends. I've heard that everyone has their own way to accept change but I think I didn't and I has taken me a year to do that. Meanwhile I started eating more and definitely not healthy food. I gained a lot of weight but now I'm determined to stop feeling sorry for it, to change it.

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